Friday 29 July 2016

GlamGlow ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment - review

A couple of months ago I picked up the deluxe sample size of the GlamGlow ThirstyMud Hydrating Treatment from Mecca. The 15mL jar retails for $28AUD, and I thought $28 wasn't that much of an investment to try out a hydrating mask treatment. I have dry skin, and in winter, it becomes significantly dryer. 

I have been using the GlamGlow ThirstyMud for a few months, so I am ready to review the product. This product can be purchased in Australia from Mecca Maxima and Mecca Cosmetica, and can be purchased online.

GlamGlow describes this product as following:

THIRSTYMUD uses our-most advanced hydration active technologies, providing deep instant hydration. THIRSTYMUD hydrates, moisturises, restores, replenishes and clams the skin. Designed for men and women. New super technologies in THIRSTYMUD will leave you with hydrated heart pounding glowing skin".

After reading this, you can see that GlamGlow does make some serious claims for their product. I like this product, but I'm not wowed by it or anything - it isn't a revolutionary product for me. I find it hydrating and it is good for the winter (or on a weekly basis in the warmer months), but for the price that you pay for this product (almost $100 Australian for the full size), you would expect this product to be revolutionising. However, in saying that, I would recommend any dry skin people out there to give this product a go and pick up a small jar of this. 

It's actually cheaper to purchase the small 15mL tub from Mecca than to purchase the 50mL. The 50mL retails for $98AUD. This product has a coconut-like scent. I find it quite pleasant, but for those that are sensitive to scents, I would suggest smelling this in store before purchasing.

The GlamGlow website suggests using this product 2-3 times a week, or when needed. The website suggests that this product has three uses - day time use, in which you leave the product on your skin for 10-20 minutes allowing it to absorb, and then wipe off with a tissue and message the remaining product into the skin. For the night time, it suggests to apply and leave overnight (which is my preferred use for this mask), and this mask also has a use during flights, when our skin can become extremely dry. For this, it suggests to apply at the beginning of the flight and leave on for the whole duration of the flight.

I like this product, I'm not disappointed by it by any means, and I most likely will repurchase the small jar of this. A small amount goes a long way with this product, so the jar I initially purchased is still going strong.

GlamGlow does have different masks for different skin types, so I would recommend trying a sample size of the one suited to your skin.

Thanks for reading,

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