Wednesday 8 January 2014

22 Things Before 22

I got this idea from Alice and I think it's an awesome idea! Basically, you write up a list of things you want to do before your next birthday - I'm turning 22 on the 31st of July, so I've got 22 things. Some of these are things I want to purchase, some are things I need to do, some are things I want to do. Here we go!

1. Clear out my nail polish draws 
Nail polish is where my love for beauty began. I have four draws filled with nail polish, and it hardly fits! Some colours I don't like, some are probably past their use by date. I need to minimise my nail polish stash.

2. Pay off credit cards 
I'm horrible, I need to get this done ASAP.

3. Save up $2000
This shouldn't be too hard. I want to go back to England in July 2015, so if I'm able to save this by my birthday next year that should cover my flight there and back. I'm hoping to bring my grandmother back with me, so I need to do this. 

4. Reach 120 posts on this blog

I know I can do this, I just need to be consistent and motivated! After this post, 48 to go!

5. Have a huge clean out in my room 
I am a hoarder - I will admit it. I have so much stuff in my room, and some of it really just needs to go. I have a huge cupboard, which is where most of my hoarding is stored.

6. Plan a holiday 
My friend and I want to go to Hawaii this year, so hopefully by my 22nd birthday I will have planned it.

7. Lose 5 kilos 
This is on my to do list for 2014, but I'd like to do it before my birthday in July.

8. Get a new job 
I've had my current job for 3 years, and I'm only a casual. I'm almost done with uni (this year I'll only be doing 2 units for the first semester, and not attending second semester) which means I will have time to work instead of study.

9. Fill my MAC palette 
I currently have 10 shadows in my palette, so only 5 to go!

10. Cut a front fringe 
Once summer is over, I will do this! It's been a while since I've had much of a fringe, so I'm excited for this!

11. Get my full license 
On the 1st of March I can go for my full license, so I have enough time before my birthday to get it!

12. Clean out jewellery
Over the years, I've collected a lot of jewellery. I have nine piercings in my ears, so I have a lot of earrings - but I hardly use them! One thing I want to tackle before my 22nd birthday is the amount of jewellery bits and bobs that I hoard.

13. Get outside of Sydney 
Go on a long drive somewhere, even for a day - just get out of Sydney!

14. Purchase a Chanel makeup product 
Who doesn't want Chanel makeup? I'm thinking probably foundation or eyeshadow - but I will definitely do this before my birthday!

15. Read five new books
I love reading, but haven't had any time to read for what feels like years (and probably is). Before my 22nd birthday, I want to read five new books.

16. Wear more vibrant lipsticks 
Lipstick isn't something I wear everyday - but it should be! This I'll probably document on my instagram - @_crystalised

17. Get a tan
This is my summer challenge for myself - I can do it!

18. Watch five new TV shows
I love finding a show that I enjoy watching, so before my 22nd birthday I want to get through five television shows.

19. Do the Project Ten (or maybe five) Pan
I think I'll start with five products (I don't know if I'll be able to make it to ten before buying a new product). This one I will document on my blog.

20. Purchase the Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette 
I'm an Urban Decay junkie - I'll admit it! Need to get my hands on this palette sometime soon.

21. Change my degree/figure out what's next 
I only have 2 units left of my degree, and I'm considering doing a double degree - I need to figure this all out pretty soon.

22. Buy a new set of Sigma brushes 
I love Sigma brushes, and I want to purchase a new set of them - maybe the blending brush set.

And those are the 22 things I want to accomplish before I turn 22! I'll probably update this monthly or so, I have a good six months to get this done!

Thanks for reading guys, and feel free to join in on this too! 

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