Monday 14 April 2014

Project 10 Pan

If I don't post this blog now, I know I never will. It has come to my attention that I own a lot of products. So I am going to do what I personally believe is the impossible - the Project 10 Pan.

If you haven't heard of the Project 10 Pan, basically you need to use up, or hit pan, on ten beauty products before purchasing something new. My problem is deciding on the ten products for this. I am including all beauty, body, fragrance and haircare in this post. So over the next couple of days, I will decide on the ten products, and come back with an update.

I'm very nervous... I don't know if I can do this. But I will try my hardest. I will allow myself to buy something to replace a used up product, for example - if I use up a day moisturiser, I'm allowed to by myself another.

But this was on my 22 Things Before 22 list, and I want to cross off all of them if I can. So keep your eyes out for this post over the next few days... I think this journey is going to be a hard one... but I have a little faith in myself!


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